150*150*550 mm -es vizsgálati hajlító ellenállás formák a beton építésehez
Egyéni logót gyártók beton tesztkocka penész
Állandó hőmérsékleti páratartalom -kikeményítő doboz szekrény tesztkamra
Product Description Constant Temperature Humidity Curing Box Cabinet Test Chamber According to user requirements, in order to facilitate the maintenance of cement and concrete specimens to reach national standards, our company has specially manufactured a new 80B constant temperature and humidity curing box to meet customers with relatively large specimens. Rozsdamentes acélból készül. Műszaki paraméterek: 1. Bélésméret: 1450 x 580 x 1350 (mm) 2. Kapacitás: 150 darab beton 150 x 150 te ... -
Műanyag kocka penész az őrült betonmintákhoz
Product Description Plastic Cube Mould for Mading Concrete Specimen With a commitment to quality and professional service, the company has gained acceptance as a supplier, with more than 300 clients including many of the major companies around the world. Our main customers are private and research testing laboratories, road and general contractors, concrete and cement manufacturers, asphalt manufacturers, government authorities, ministries, engineers, consultants and re-seller. Mi is c ... -
Beton 100 mm -es három banda öntő vaskocka teszt penész
KonkrétVasCube három banda formák